Conscious Counseling Discovery Call


In times of the Great Awakening, so many of us are awakening to our purpose, and the truth of who we really are as a Human Being experiencing this planet called Earth and are not here to serve as slaves of the “Matrix” and want to rise to the freedom that is our birthright. During these times, it may be difficult to understand what is happening to us and finding someone who understands and can help us integrate or make sense of what is happening to our body, minds, and spirit can be difficult. Many Health Professionals are limited to psychology and are not able to incorporate spirituality or consciousness in their sessions. If you go to a Professional Counselor most sessions will be from a 3rd dimensional view of reality and will focus on symptom management.  


A session with me will allow you to feel safe to express the truth of who you are and your belief systems without judgment, labels, or a psychological diagnosis. I will help you discover where you want to be in life and help identify the blocks that may be holding you back from getting there. Together we will explore solutions to help you align with the embodiment of your authenticity. I will help you bridge the gap between science and spirituality to help you understand the world around you, as the conscious creator of your reality. We will find a way to help you stand in your power.


Counseling cost starts at $48 for a 60 minute session, subject to change depending on length of call. 


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