Preparing for Kambo

For optimal results, preparing for Kambo ideally begins three days in advance. While not strictly required, following this preparation is highly recommended as it can significantly enhance your experience and allow you to receive the full benefits of the medicine.


3 days prior

  • Dietary Preparation: Eat a wholesome, nutrient-dense diet, ideally focusing on raw vegetarian meals. Avoid meats, dairy, canned goods, fried, processed, or heavy foods that can burden your digestive system.
  • Fasting and Cleansing: Avoid excessive fasting and colonics, as they can deplete your body’s natural reserves.
  • Substance Avoidance: Refrain from using recreational drugs, alcohol, and mind-altering substances to ensure your body and mind are clear.
  • Supplements and Herbal Medicines: Pause any supplements or herbal remedies to give your gut a rest and prevent potential interactions with the medicine.
  • Sexual Abstinence: Practice sexual fasting to preserve and maintain your life force energy in its purest state.
  • Energetic and Mental Cleanse: Minimize exposure to physical, mental, and energetic toxins, including stressful environments, negative media, heavy music, and draining interactions. Surround yourself with peaceful spaces, uplifting energy, and intentional presence.

These preparations are essential for aligning your body, mind, and spirit with the medicine, allowing you to receive its full healing potential.

Day of Cermemony

Day of Ceremony:

  • Fasting: Begin a complete fast from all food at least 10-12 hours before the ceremony. Only drink water to stay hydrated.
  • Avoid Stimulants: Refrain from consuming caffeine, nicotine, or any substances that can stimulate your heart rate or interfere with your body’s natural rhythms.
  • Hydration: Prioritize alkaline water with electrolytes throughout the morning to support cellular hydration and balance.
  • Pre-Ceremony Water Intake: Just before the ceremony, you’ll be asked to drink 1-2 liters of plain water to prepare your body for the process. *DO NOT Begin drinking this amount until instructed to do so.

These guidelines are essential for ensuring your body is clear, your mind is focused, and your system is optimally prepared to receive the medicine.

What to Bring

    • Clothing: Wear loose, comfortable clothing that allows easy access to treatment areas (e.g., sleeveless tops or clothing with adjustable sleeves).
    • Spare Clothes: Bring an extra set of clothes in case of unexpected spills or accidents.
    • Water Bottle: Bring a large water bottle filled with room-temperature water to stay hydrated.
    • Hair Tie: If you have long hair, bring a hair tie or headband to keep it out of your face during the session.
    • Medical Supplies: If you have a medical condition, bring any essential items such as an inhaler, insulin, glucose testing strips, and a source of glucose if you’re diabetic.
    • Warmth & Comfort: Pack a blanket or sweater to stay warm and comfortable post-ceremony, as body temperature can fluctuate.
    • Post-Ceremony Snacks: Bring light, nourishing snacks to replenish your energy after the session if you feel hungry.

    These items will help ensure you’re prepared, comfortable, and fully supported throughout your ceremony experience.


are you prepared?

Ready for your Kambo ceremony or have questions you’d like to explore? Feel free to reach out—I’m here to provide guidance, support, and any information you need to prepare for any of your transformative experiences.